Audio Trigger - jQuery Plugin to Trigger Sounds

This jQuery plugin allows you to play a sound when your website visitor interacts with a particular element on your site. You can choose any element and the sound will be triggered by the click or grab (click and hold) of that element. This plugin also includes an awesome option to set Fade in and Fade out time of the audio, so the sound will start and end smoothly. Moreover, you can use any audio file, such as mp3, wav, ogg, etc.

Audio Trigger Preview

Click Me!

Click to Hear the Sound

Grab (click & hold) to Hear the Sound

Grab (click & hold) Me!

Release the Mouse Button and the Sound will Fade out.

Plugin Options with the Description

Plugin Features

Assign the Sound to any Element on your Site

Trigger the Sound on Click or Grab (click and hold)

Supports any Audio File: mp3, wav, ogg, etc.

Smooth Fade in & Fade out of the Sound

Works with Desktop Computers, Tablets and Phones

Very Easy to Setup, no CSS File

Well Documented

Cross-Browser Support

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